Thursday, June 23, 2016

Soka's first ride out of the round pen and "trail" ride

I took Soka out for her first "trail" ride. Over a tarp and our dry stream into the woods and where the arena eventually will go. She went bravely and willingly. Of course, it took me 30 mins to catch her this afternoon, but once I climbed on her she was super. 

I think if you look closely at a few of the pictures you can see her middle finger about not wanting to be caught. Unfortunately, she is now quite a bit fitter than she was a few months ago. So I can't tire her out so easily any more. About thirty mins of walking her down she was still going strong... So I went for her more primal needs. I pulled out a credit card wrapper from my pocket and crinkled it. She stopped immediately and let me halter her. I gave her a handful of grass and walked her quickly into the barn so I could actually follow through with the peppermint promise. 

While she canters just fine out loose, and is getting better in the round pen, I could not seem to get her to canter tonight while lunging. I did make her wear Cher's crupper. And that helped keep her saddle where it needed to be and she didn't mind it at all. Steering was good. Bending and softness needs work. But she was excellent for her first time working out of the round pen. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Big days

Some days are small days. But Tuesday was a big day for Soka and I. We have played a lot with mounting and unmounting. But tuesday, I set up round pen. And then I free lunged her in it for ten minutes( and to show how out of shape she is- she was pretty sweated up and huffing pretty bad at that point) so then I go the brill and idea that to cool her down, perhaps I should take advantage of her being tired and climb on her. 

So I went and grabbed her halter and leader pe. And first tried to lead on her from the pile of dirt in the middle of the round pen, but I am not hat athletic even though she is fairly short. And then and lead her over the the edge of the round pen panels. And stood on the top of them and rubbed all over her. And she was very quiet, and pretty relieved that she could catch her breath, frankly. So I held on to the round pen with my upper body and touched her all over her back and neck with my leg, and she was still quiet and stood stock still. So then I inched my weight over her until I was sitting on her 75%. 85%. 95%

And I was on her. And I sat there. And she cocked her foot... And I grabbed the fence and pulled my myself off real fast.. And then laughed at myself. Because all she did was get herself comfortable, because she was tired. Because she is fat and had just worked hard. And working hard is hard... and I know this- because of the last 8 months of my life. 

So I repeated rubbing her with my foot again and eased my weight back on.. And she stood like a stone for me. So I turned her head and asked her to walk on and gave a light squeeze with my legs. Which means nothing to her yet. 

She was confused. She shifted her body under herself, trying to balance under me. I slightly pulled the halter's lead rope one way and then the other to get her to take just a single step as I lightly squeezed and clucked to her. She took a step. I stopped and praised. And scrubbed her neck. 

I squeezed again, said walk on and clucked. It only took her a second to process this time and soon we were walking around the round pen. 

I soon was asking her to stop and restart again and start to turn the other way. After a few laps, I ended the session. Proud of what we both had accomplished. Hopeful for our future. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Took the beast out yesterday for her first short road trip to a beautiful farm. Many thanks to Blue Horse Equestrian! Luckily, she loaded, travelled and unloaded wonderfully. Behaved herself while at the farm and jumped right back on the trailer to go home. It is always nice when training pays off.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Brunch ride

I had a fantastic ride on Tyrone Farms Brunch ride. Was allowed to ride it twice. It was a fantastic day and couldn't ask for a better day. Cher was fantastic, and is tolerating water much better than she often does. Schooling water was good for her, but with the amount of water we have had recently, she doesn't have much of an option right now. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Baby horses are fun they said.

Baby horses are fun they said... I knew better but I love a good challenge. I this is one reason I could perhaps afford her. Good thing I love her and she is sweet. 

She did eventually find her brains again. Learning to lunge is hard. 

Friday, April 8, 2016

My tags from Haltertags are here! They are beautiful quality brass and much deeper etched than smartpaks... But it also took much longer to get them!!! 4 weeks! First world problems? Are we getting too impatient? I am not sure.